J Edison Online – Communications

Internet Services

J Edison will add services to your computers that are compatible with the outside world. Eliminate the confusion of multiple vendors, let J Edison help configure and design all your website and Internet technologies.

Site Design & Hosting

J Edison will create and host your website. Host servers are all located in the United States and for pennies a day, we provide access and ongoing maintenance.

E-mail & Domain Names

“Easy to Remember” domain names and addresses are as important as your business name itself. Call us to find out what’s available. Our on-line services allow you to register, renew and monitor this important marketing tool, 24 hours a day.

Digital Voice

IP data networks today provide advantages on the Internet or an organization’s internal network. One of the primary attractions of Digital Voice is its ability to help companies reduce expenses. Cost savings hold true even for today’s technology home owner.

GPS Services

GPS tracking options are perfect for the company with a fleet of vehicles. GPS will assist you with customer billing, employee payroll and scheduling coordination. Track one vehicle or the entire fleet online and increase productivity.

GPS Integration

Our Onsite technicians ensure that the various components of your mobile data system, the in-vehicle hardware, middleware, network, and host software talk to one another and work together. The J Edison Group works together to offer you a compatible performance based solution.

Mobile Computing

J Edison and our software partners develop each aspect of your mobile application. After we consult you, software is customized to fulfill your specific requirements. Once we install the vehicle interface properly you are ready to take full advantage of the mobile computer’s capability.

System Applications

Many industries benefit from GPS and mobile computing a few examples include: Fixed Route Transit, EMS, Fire, Police, Emergency Road Service, Field and Service Technicians, Taxi Services, Construction, Waste Management, Roadways & Public Works Personnel.

Wireless Services

Purchase your cellular and wireless devices from J Edison and enjoy the benefit of our expertise in optimizing your services and functionality. Our integrated systems utilize your wireless services to simplify and centralize many activities you perform every day.

Mobile Networks

Empower your office and field personnel, with the freedom to access critical information and applications simultaneously. J Edison offers compatible solutions that will control costs, increase productivity and save time.

Equipment Selection

When you purchase telephones and wireless devices from J Edison you are assured of the latest in technology. Our experts also recommend compatible systems that will add unique conveniences and features.


Add features and programming to your wireless devices to execute a number of tasks. Read your emails, make phone calls, turn lights on or arm your security system all with your PDA or Tablet PC.